Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It's Been A While...

Far be it from me to state that I'm a 'frequent' blogger- obviously I'm not...

In the time since the last jotted post, I've managed to do all manner of "nesting" to make way for a new baby girl and all the accoutrements that go with a new infant.

As a doting parent, there'll be time enough for me to post a picture or two- so yes, those that truly despise such things will have fodder to add to their desparagement of doting parents and their ill sent coos and gaffs of their children.

Let this stand as a simple note that I am indeed still alive and that with the lack of sleep of the truly parentally damned, I may or may not get much writing done in the next month or so- right now I seem to have a problem with my feedburner links, so thus I have something else to add to my list of ebb-n-flow problems that make up life.

Peace be with you, gentle readers- Russ will be back in the saddle before you know it.

I continue to be:
