Friday, October 14, 2005


What's in a song?

Better yet, what's it take to communicate with each of us- so that our feelings, wants and desires can be fulfilled?

If it sounds like I'm on a tangent with music, yes- perhaps I am; but I promise there's a point to even the most dim of my musings. Much like a Zen koan- there's a nugget of truth, enlightenment or knowledge in what I have to say- no matter how small in the universe.

For those of us addicted to Ipods, the music of our lives seems to be truly portable. My father could only dream of a day where something the size of a dwarf harmonica can store up to 5 or 6 dozen of your most choice songs. The general consensous of music I'm sure is what-ever is popular for now, but there's a different story I'd like us to explore...

Here's where the 'Zen tangent' breaks and we get to the meat of this posting:

"If I were hit by a car and killed with no other form of identification than my Ipod- what would it say about me?"

There's always the physical and what a coroner could gleen from my sorry carcass; the clothing on my back and the gum wrappers and pocket notepad tucked into the numerous pockets of my favorite clothing item- the camera vest. But is it at that point the mystery concludes, or is there a story told on that little Ipod machine?

I'd most likely have been listening to Chris Grey's Babylon [much like now while I write this]. There's also Heaven, by Birds of Pray, I'm already There, Break Away and the ubiquitous and ecclectic blend of 80's classics [jeez I hate that my music is now played on "classic" stations"!]

If the selections were downloaded they'd be labled under general titled headings like "Moody", "Pump You Up", and "Driving" and there's interpretation to be made by just that- but does it identify me?

Perhaps I'd be just as equally unknown had I possessed nothing?

What about your Ipod? If we as outsiders to this music in your head, would there be something to identify you: Your moods, intellect or frame of mind?

Is it even an Ipod?

Perhaps it's a Sony Version or an Iriver- does that say something about you? Perhaps the technology is out of your grasp- socially, technologically or financially? It's a Walkman tape player, minidisc player or cd machine...

Just a thought- like any other riddle I'd give you, oh readers of RussViews.

Until then- I continue to be:


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