All right- it's been a while... I could just whine about the time not spent installing entries as chocked up to "familial responsibilities":
Case in point- it's taken me 30 minutes to write this much...
It turns out that even getting up as 'late' as 07:00 means that all the pets [and we have acquired quite the zoo repository in this household...] want bread, fed, watered, walked and squawked- a hungry and QUITE pregnant mother wants to start "The Baby Room Project" and a son that just shat the bed full [damn virus/bacterium that's been going around the day care; Geez, I hate day care- just on that "merit" alone] demand immediate, simultaneous attention.
The interesting [or dare I say- 'funny'] part to this is that it makes for entertaining writing fodder at some later date when I can actually adjust my thinking to the humor of it all.
Back to matters at hand: Liberals and Humanitarians.
In order to piss off mankind's [hence: "My"] rivals and to solidify "correct" thinking in the shortest method possible, here's how I see things...
Humanitarian: Person dedicated to the just cause of humanity/mankind through action and 'good works' to produce results beneficial to everyone- if one should benefit, all should benefit.
Liberal: Person dedicated to personal cause[s] through action and discention to produce results beneficial to his or her personal beliefs- even at the restriction or cost of another's.
Yes, good readers of RussViews- my stance is that Humanitarians seek harmony and balance with everyone by striving for results that allow everyone to rise to a higher balance; Liberals seek the restriction and/or subjugation of others to create what they dimly percieve to be as "balance".
A Humanitarian will make mistakes and look inward to see what he or she may have calculated incorrectly in order to change themselves and thusly help change the world for the better.
A Liberal will make a mistake [their meer existance is often enough] and looks outward for the person, place or thing that needs changing to make their world a better place.
All this I've gained just by surfing some of the leftist and rightist blogs and forum sites...
There's all measure I could write concerning the subject- but I've a load of household duties to perform and it waits for no man- or, "woo-man" for that matter.
There'll be plenty more "slammage" to be made as the days, weeks, etc pass- until then, I have a baby to prepair for it's arrival and a son who needs extra attention while his tummy feels bad.
I continue to be:
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