I'm a "contributor" for Gather on many occassions- think of this one mention as a shameless plug for Gather if you wish.
The site is actually an excellent source for those who want the immediate gratification of their posts being reviewed and/or interpretated by their readership. I'll admit to a certain 'whoring' aspect in my personality that wants to see if what I write earns the merit of understanding I'd want from my readers...
In this instance though, someone going by the moniker "JJack Midnight" postulated a question that just screamed reflection on my part. He simply asked that if science had developed a pill that would allow you to remove one memory for each pill taken, and the memory would be removed so perfectly and completely you'd never know it had ever taken place, would you be tempted to use the drug?
I don't know what I found more prophetic: The almost total response that everyone [except the two most shallow] wouldn't do it- or the reasons why.
The most base of reasons given was the ubiquitous "I am the sum total of my memories..." line- and that's entirely [universally?] true; but the ones that struck me the most were the ones that delved into a piece of their souls- myself included.
I could wax poetic about my life and the rights and wrongs perpetrated on me, by me or for me- but that's a banal assault on you dear readers into my own self gratification and need for exhibitionism.
No- I'd simply pass this question on to you, dear reader...
Given the original hypothetical: Science has the ability to let you specifically and perfectly remove memories [no matter what type] would you be willing to take it?
Where some might stop at a yes or no- I am far too iron fisted to let you off that easily- not only would you have to express what you'd want removed, you'd be required to reason why it's desirable and for what specific reasons.
The want to forget can be overwelming- especially in the realms of pain, grief and horror. I won't deny that.
But if we truly are the sum of our memories and the vessels of crude flesh we weild are nothing more than those vessels to thoughts, ideas and memories that are fleetingly here one day and gone the next- should we dare to remove even one piece if it means removing apiece of who we truly are?
I continue to be,
1 comment:
looking forward to your next post
well done
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