It's been a while, good and valiant readers...
I've taken notice that there's a few in the Blogosphere who've included me in their own writing repituar- for their prescience and favor, I'm greatly humbled- hopefully I'll continue to be a contributor to their sites as I hope they will be to mine.
There's an old saying- who exactly made it, I'll ask you to help me remember; it went something like this:
"A man can truly consider himself old when his regrets far outweigh his aspirations."
I'm not "old" yet- but there's days when I doubt my age.
I've looked reflectively on my life this holiday season- patching together fading memories of younger days- wondering where the time had gone and perhaps this first Christmas without my Grandfather's well-wishes stinging worst of all.
As my earlier entry would have you presume, I thought the greatest of things concerning my Grandfather- both of my grandparents actually.
Do I wish for another chance to say some monumental thing that I can know will fill my remaining decades with the pride of a man who's love for the familial patriarch would be forever resounding..?
Who wouldn't.
The thing is, though- I'm not going to regret having not had that chance.
Oh, I'm still stewing over it and moping from time-to-time; this particular holiday season being the most notable exception. As much as my Crappaw would express earlier in life that he'd "want us all to get along in our lives- no sense worrin' about his carcass" no man wants to be trivialized, nor forgotten.
So- though rather belated- Merry Christmas, Crappaw!
I couldn't think of anything I could give you this year, seein' as you're all "Halo'd" and all... Never could figure out what went good with wings and a halo- 'cept for maybe a silly grin and a warm welcome.
And to you- my readers, my online friends- to you a Merry Christmas and/or any other belated form of holiday merriment your heart desires.
To the rest- who have no desire or intent to the holidays [and I actually knew a few very wise individuals who's ideals of what was and was not a "holdiay" in the true sense of the word were quite remarkable] I wish you good tidings- no more or less tied to the trappings or rituals of a faith you neither want nor percieve- simply "peace on earth and good will".
To those venomously opposed to anything even remotely akin to what you might call my "neandertal beliefs in a fairytale legend of mythological faith and redemption" who nearly recoil with the kind of revile befitting a Romero Zombie; I still offer you the hand of friendship.
But feel free to kiss my ass all the same.
"Still Adjusting" and continue to be...
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